When God speaks through the Holy Spirit dwelling within us, His words bring comfort, clarity, and peace.
God communicates in diverse ways, not always with grand signs. He may speak through our thoughts and feelings provided they align with His word, or through dreams, visions, and even the words of friends or strangers. God does not favour status; He speaks to the humble, the obedient, and those willing to listen and trust Him.
The Bible illustrates this beautifully. Take Moses, for example: he was leading a quiet life as a shepherd when God called him from a burning bush. Moses doubted his abilities, yet his willingness to obey changed the fate of a nation (Exodus 3:1-12).
Then there is Samuel, a young boy serving in the temple. When God first called, Samuel didn’t recognise His voice. But once he understood, he simply said, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening” (1 Samuel 3:9-10). God chose Samuel not for his status or experience, but for his openness and obedience.
Elijah too, encountered God’s voice, not in thunder or fire, but in a gentle whisper. Discouraged and exhausted, Elijah found guidance and reassurance in the quiet (1 Kings 19:11-13).
And in the New Testament, Mary, a humble girl from Nazareth, responded with faith when told she would bear the Son of God. Her simple, profound reply, “I am the Lord’s servant, let it be to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38), opened the door for Christ to enter the world.
These stories remind us that God still speaks today. He seeks not perfection or power, but hearts ready to listen and obey. Whether through big moments or small, God calls ordinary people to do extraordinary things.
May God bless you as you commune with Him each day in Jesus’ name.
By Kate Sali